First off..
it's 2012! how long have you been waiting for that, eh? Crazy.
secondly, me and Bryce were talking and we realised that one reason we set out on this trip was to learn how to become better Peasants.
This is a crazy mouthful of a word. You may be thinking of poor bastards, slogging away in mud.. ("what about free speech?!"), returning to their hovel, collapsing into their bed, too tired even to strike their dogs. That would be fine.
What me and Bryce think of, however, is people who know how to live simple.
And this is not an act of laziness- otherwise we wouldn't have to go on a trip through small communities, mountains, forests, valleys and metropolises to find out what the secrets are. To know what your needs are and to know the simplest way to fulfill them- this is a knowledge that could take millennia to evolve. Could you live in a 100 square foot house? Do you know how much space you really need? Would you know how to build a bigger one- without relying on trucks and stores?
We set out to learn to be peasants, and sitting on the plane from Los Angeles to Mexico City as it took off into the air, we looked at each other and said
"Man, this is the weirdest thing we've done on this trip."
And we agreed that it was because in fact,
we had learnt quite well the secret joy of being a peasant.
So, success!
I reflected that the reason it was so weird is because it was such a normal thing to do. Taking a plane is a totally normal thing for a traveller to do. Just about every day on this trip, I have been doing weird things.
More in the next post, which will include recipes. Good day.