Friday, October 5, 2012

connecting, connecting 1,2,3

i sit here after the umpteenth attempt at leaving the house today. there's something too easy about living in los angeles in the 80 degree weather, surrounded by food, and social media..
makes you wonder why there's so many hardships.. must be the haze.. 
i've been sifting through piles of memories and melodies. trying not to let the haze get me down. filling my head with recipes and sounds. listening to what others have to say and thinking about what that means to me.
for some reason i can't get out of the house today. it seems it's sucked me in. my head feels thick. it feels this way when i sit in front of a computer too long..
for some reason i can't get out of the house today. a tile saw whirs outside the window. the sound of the I-5 whirs outside the window. 
and i can't seam to get out of the house today because i realized that bashu hasn't posted any recipes yet. just peaches and cream. heavy on the peaches.
so i guess i'll have to get out through the cyber window.. into the haze for my first post on this blog.
i realize today, as i have in the past, that this is hard for me to do and makes me feel unhealthy. i prefer to connect to things directly rather than read what someone else has said about them.. because if i don't have that connection i don't know what the consequences are, and i don't know what the truth is. it makes it hard for me to trust anything via social media. therefore it makes it hard for me to express anything through social media.. i rely more on feeling, and direct connection to people, places, and things. it also scares me that people often only see one message, and sometimes never see the other side of the truth, and make a choice they're not directly connected to ,or conscious of, and therefore can cause indirect harm to so many things, often including themselves.
my friend bashu and i once talked about the accuracy of language: meaning when you aren't sure of something you should talk about it in the frame of reference that you are sure of.
for example:
prop 37 (labeling of gmo foods in california) yes or no?
what are gmo's? i've been  TOLD (told being the frame of reference) they are genetically modified organisms. for example: corn with insecticide genes so that when insects bite the corn their stomachs burst from the insecticide gene. 
where do gmos come from? i've been told monsanto, and other Genetic engineering corporations.
what are the effects? i probably used to eat a lot of gmo foods ( almost anything containing any form of corn, soy, sugar beets, etc.), and i used to feel pretty ill, and still sometimes when i eat things with these things in them, i feel ill. other people say they have other negative affects on people and the environment: cause animals to get sick from eating them, infertility, pest and plant mutations, and other extreme effects from being exposed to them. others say they don't, but they do kill bugs, and weeds, but nothing else that's exposed to them. 
where can you find gmo's? i've been told they are in many foods, especially in processed foods at the grocery store, and in animal feeds. 
why would people be concerned about gmo foods, if there really was no reason to be concerned?  they design labels.. and would make good profit? organic food producers may have an increase in business since people might stop buying gmo foods? 
why would people discredit the concern? I've been told, to protect their business. their money, and their control over food production, and farmers.
what would help with all the things you don't know, but have been told, or think? labeling gmo foods, so i don't eat them unknowingly if i would like not to. 
Why does this matter to you? i hope someday people will only eat things that they have direct connection to (they KNOW what's in it, and they know where it comes from, and what practices the farmers use) and hopefully without any foreign pollutants filtering in. i know many caring, connected, conscious farms and farmers who grow food in harmony with nature and don't use pesticides or any gmos and if we all ate their food, or grew our own, we wouldn't have gmo's. eliminating the questions and the risk. and the labels for petes sake. boy am i tired of labels.
labels like:
hey hippie!
hey hipster!
hey hippopotamus!
someone should leave those hippos alone! pay attention to the elephants in the room! 
labels like being trapped in a box surrounded by labels like depressed! corporate! greedy! gmo! infertile! sick! unhealthy! sad! oppressed! ignorant! disconnected! 
let me out in the world so i can just be without all the haze!
so, as promised, some recipes from the van life (sans haze):

peasant pie
1 bashu 
1 bryce
1 all the other people on earth
1 love
1 heart
-lets get together and feel alright! 
-mix well
-serve locally

ouef a la bet
carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes (optional)
whatever herbs and spices you like
we like garlic, ginger, onions, various curry spices, local herbs
salt to preference
-grate ingredients
-find kindling for pocket rocket stove, light pocket rocket stove
-steam or fry beets and other ingredients in pan (cast iron is nice from what i've experienced) with a little bit of water (enough to cover bottom of pan) or local fat source (in california- olive and coconut oil mostly, in bc- organic and/or local butter typically) 
-once cooked and most of the water evaporates crack eggs into other ingredients, cover, and let sit until eggs are cooked
-serve on rocket stove on the side of the road with friends, and local grains

local fruit (apples in washington, avocados in california, etc.)
local organic nuts (or nut butter) 
local raw honey
-cut fruit in half
-scoop out innards
-replace innards with nuts and honey
-make more because they're going quick! 

-go to the coachella valley in late fall early winter
-stop at flying disc ranch (call first or find them at the farmers market) 
-feel free to lend a hand on whatever they're doing
-eat tthe dates as they drip off the trees!
-pit them and stuff them with nuts, make em into balls, bars, smoothies, raw pies, anything, everything, mmmm dates.
- also, mmmm persimmons, mmm figs, mmmm artichokes, mmmm blackberries, mmmm cactus fruit, mmm pears, mmmm zapotes, mmmm bananas, mmmm oranges, mmmm grapefruit, mmmm pomegranates, mmmm raw milk, mmmmm raw blue cheese, mmmm raw blue cheese truffles, mmmm salal berries, salmon berries, raspberries, blueberries, melons, kiwis, nectarines, peaches, pistachios, almonds, pecans, walnuts, hazlenuts and many many many many more wonderful local (depending where you are) wonders

Bon apetit! 
Bon Voyage!
Gracias para todo! 
See you in the village enjoying local wonders! But thank goodness we have a way to communicate so the larger world hears what we're saying.
and a shout out to leslee... wherever she may be